Public and Private Graduation Rates Analysis (2019 U.S. College Data)

Overview #

This statistical analysis dives deep into what factors contribute to a college/universities graduation rate, specifically taking a look at if a university being public or private has any significant effect on it. Statical and Regression analysis is conducted on the variables in the dataset to get a deeper understanding of how they effect the graduation rate.

This analysis has two parts:

The notebook takes a look at if a college/university being public or private has an effect on its graduation rate and what other factors might contribute to it.

NOTE: A machine learning analysis was done on this same dataset, see: Predict Graduation Rates (2019 U.S. College Data)

View Jupyter Notebook #

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Question #

Does a University being Private or Public have an effect on its graduation rate and what factors specifically affect those rates?

Hypothesis #

Private universities might have a higher graduation rate than public universities and that the biggest factors for the graduation rate will be: the number of students enrolled, the amount of faculty with PhD’s and economic factors of the university (variables: Room.Board, Books, Personal and Expend).

Part 1 - Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) #

The following are several graphs were created to get a better idea of the overall structure and distribution of the data in the dataset. This helps to see anything that might need to be accounted for or changed before starting analysis and modeling.

Here is a sample of what the data looks like:

Variable Histograms #

Histograms of the numerical variables to see their overall distributions in the dataset:

Outliers #

University Name: Texas A&M University at Galveston
Percentage of Faculty with PhD's: 103%

University Name: Cazenovia College
Graduation Rate: 118%

Texas A&M University at Galveston lists a faculty PhD percentage of 103% which, in the context of the variable measured, is impossible because the variable is measuring the number of faculty with at least one PhD and thus if a person has multiple PhD’s they will only be counted as one.

Cazenovia College lists a graduation rate of 118% which is also impossible because you can’t have more students graduated than the number of students in the graduating class.

For the above reasons, these two data points will be removed from the dataset as they are more than likely a data collection error.

CDF - Public and Private Graduation Rates (Percent) #

CDF visual of the public and private university graduation rates:

From the above graph we can see that public universities consistently have a higher graduation rate than private ones. This tells me that my initial hypothesis that private universities would have a higher graduation rate is not correct.

More investigation will be needed to find which variables are significantly contributing the difference in grad rate between public and private universities.

PMF - Public and Private Uni’s Percent of Faculty with PhD’s #

I decided to take a look and see if public or private universities have a higher percentage of faculty with PhD's:

Judging from the graph above, it would appear that public universities have a higher percentage of faculty with PhD's compared to private universities.

Normal Probability Plots #

From the Normal Probability Plots below, we can see that the distribution of all university graduation rates is approximately normal with a slight tail on the left side. Public and Private graduation rate plots makes it clear that their distributions also follow normality but with more pronounced tails on both ends. The graphs also show that the distribution of all the graduation rates (public and private) is approximately normal and that there isn’t significant skewness to the data that could disproportionally sway the analysis.

Public and Private Acceptance vs. New Enrollment #

Scatter plots of public and private acceptance numbers vs enrollment numbers:

Correlation Matrix #

|	Accept vs. Enroll      |
|	   | Public  | Private |
|  Pearson | 0.87919 | 0.90649 |
| Spearman | 0.93174 | 0.92828 |

From the two scatter plots and correlation matrix above (detailing both Pearson and Spearman correlation), we can see that the number of accepted and enrolled students in both public (Pearson: 0.879) and private (Pearson: 0.906) universities is positively strongly correlated and even more so when comparing Spearman’s correlation (Public: 0.932 and Private: 0.928)to Pearson’s.

This indicates that the number of students accepted and enrolled is linearly related and that as the number of students accepted into the university increases, then the number of new student enrollments will also increase a proportional amount.

Hypothesis Tests #

Hypothesis tests were conducted to see if any significant relationships could be derived and/or if the Null Hypothesis could be rejected or not.

Difference in Means #

Difference in Means: 0.0 (P-value)

The Difference in Means test resulted in a p-value of zero (odds are It’s not exactly zero but very small). Since the p-value is smaller than 0.05, the null hypothesis can be rejected.

Difference in Standard Deviations #

Difference in Standard Deviations: 0.99 (P-value)

The Difference in Standard Deviations test resulted in a p-value of 0.99. Since this p-value way greater than 0.05, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. However, since the private dataset (564) has quite a few more values than the public dataset(211), the private standard deviation will be much larger and thus skewing the results.

Chi-Squares #

 * P-value:  0.002
 *  Actual: 27.46185
 *  Ts Max: 32.67935

The Chi-Squares test resulted in a p-value of 0.002 and is much lower than 0.05 (as a result we can reject the null hypothesis).

False Negative Rate #

False Negative Rate: 0.0

The False Negative Rate resulted in a value of 0.0 (odds are It’s not exactly zero but very small). Which is a good thing because that means that the power of this test has high statistical significance.

Part 2 - Regression Analysis #

Regression analysis was conducted to see the deeper relationships between the variables, specifically with the graduation rate (grad.rate).

Least Squares - Graduation Rate vs. New Student Enrollments #

I graphed the Least Squares fit to see what the type of relationship my variables have, specifically if they are linearly related or not.

Residuals (Percentile Ranks) - Graduation Rate vs. New Student Enrollments #

This is to see if the relationship between Grad.Rate and Enroll is linear by plotting a CDF of the percentiles.

The above graph shows the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of the Least Squares residuals.

Since the percentile lines are angled (or otherwise curved) in the residuals, this suggests that there is a non-linear relationship between Graduation Rate and Enrollments.

Showing Uncertainty - Confidence Intervals for Fitted Values of Graduation Rate #

The graph below shows the confidence interval for the fitted values at each Graduation Rate:

Slope Hypothesis Test - Grad Rate and New Student Enrollments #

This next test is to see whether the observed slope is statistically significant (Grad.Rate and Enroll):

From the above graph, we can see that the slopes have pretty much the same shape with the only difference being their means. Null Hypothesis is at 0 and the observed slope is at around -1.

The P-value of the sampled slope (0.775) indicates that this is not at all statistically significant, which further lends credence to the Enroll variable not having a strong relationship the graduation rates of the universities.

Multiple Regression #

Next, I did some multiple regression of my variables using Grad.Rate as the dependent variable.

All Variables #

The below output is a model using of all variables (from the entirety of my dataset) with Grad.Rate as the dependent variable. In order to make a better model, I need to first take a look at which of my variables are statistically significant for trying to explain the dependent variable (Grad.Rate).

To find which variables are significant, we are looking for p-values of 0.05 or less and I can find those values under the P>|t| column. From there I can see that the variables Enroll (0.828), Books (0.429), and Expend (0.261) all have p-values larger than 0.05 (thus not statistically significant to this model) and should be removed.

Only Statistically Significant Variables #

Rerun the regression model with all variables that have p-value greater than 0.05, removed: Enroll, Books, and Expend.

Looking under the P>|t| column again in the above output, I can see that there are no longer any variables in this model that have a p-value greater than 0.05 and thus they are statistically significant to explaining Grad.Rate.

Conclusion #

From my question and hypothesis, my conclusion based on this data and my analysis is that public universities actually have a higher graduation rate than private universities.

Furthermore, the number of new student enrollments have a statistically insignificant effect on the grad rate and the variables that have significant effects are: the number of new student applications (Apps), number of new students accepted (Accept), cost of room and board (Room.Board), the amount of personal expenses for the student (Personal), and the percentage of faculty with PhD’s (PhD).

This also means that my hypothesis was only partially correct about the economic factors being the main variables that effect the grad rate, with the cost of books (Books) and expenditure (Expend) not having a significant effect.