Neural Network Classifiers (Scikit and Keras)

Overview #

This analysis goes through creating three different neural networks using two different python libraries: Scikit and Keras. Two of those neural networks are for categorizing reddit comments and the third will be a Keras model for identifying MNIST images.

This analysis has two parts:

The notebook takes a look at different neural network classifiers (Scikit and Keras) and how they can be utilized in an analysis pipeline. The analysis is done with a categorized text based dataset (reddit comments) and a fairly popular image dataset, MNIST.

View Jupyter Notebook #

The notebook goes step-by-step through the project, please follow the directions and cell order if you would like to replicate the results.

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Part 1 - Neural Network Classifiers with Scikit and Keras #

This first part involves cleaning the text in the dataset and then building the Scikit and Keras models to identify the comments categories.

This is a brief look at what the text/data looks like (where “cat” is Category and “txt” is the comment):

Text Cleaning #

Before we start model training, we need to parse and clean the text in the dataset, which means:

This is more or less the starting basis for any Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Scikit - Building and Tuning the Model #

Once the text has been processed, we can split the data into train and tests sets (which is made very easy by using sklern’s train_test_split function).

Next we can setup the pipeline for vectorizing the text, creating our classifier (in this case the MLPClassifier) and tune the model using GridSearchCV.

GridSearchCV Pipeline #

Below is what the full pipeline looks like:

Best Parameters #

Here are what the best parameters ended up being for the model:

Best Classification Parameters
      activation: logistic
	   alpha: 0.0001
   learning_rate: constant
	  solver: adam

Classification Metric Scores #

The classification metric scores of the model after predicting on the test set:

Model Classification Metric Scores
	 Accuracy: 75.00%
	Precision: 69.47%
	   Recall: 75.00%
	       F1: 70.75%

Ended up with an accuracy score of 75%, which isn’t too bad. With some finer tuning and longer training, it could improve greatly.

Scikit - Confusion Matrix #

We can see that model mostly identifies comments as belonging to the “Video Games” category and interestingly enough, nothing to the “Science and Technology” Category. The “Video Games” category is the most prevlant in the dataset and I can see how comments related to sports could be misconstrued as talk about video games, at least from the point-of-view of a machine anyways…

Keras - Building and Tuning the Model #

We build the model much the same as the Scikit model but instead we build a portion of the Keras model and then feed it to the KerasClassifier to be used in GridSearchCV for model tuning. See text sample here.

GridSearchCV Pipline #

Below is what the full pipeline looks like:

The best params for the model ended up being: batch size of 10, and running for 25 epochs.

Classification Metric Scores #

The classification metric scores of the model after predicting on the test set:

Model Keras Metric Scores
     Accuracy: 66.44%
    Precision: 58.97%
       Recall: 66.44%
       F1: 61.92%

Ended up with an accuracy score of ~66%, which quite a bit worse than the Scikit model (~9% drop). Finer tuning and longer training will definitely need to be done in order to improve this model.

Keras - Confusion Matrix #

We can see, just like in the Scikit model, the Keras model mostly identified comments as belonging to the “Video Games” category but this time there were a few comments that were mistaken for the “Science and Technology” category. It’s pretty much the same story of the sports comments being misconstrued for video game comments.

Part 2 - Classifying MNIST Images #

We are now switching to the MNIST image dataset to try and classify some handwritten numbers. Like before, we will need to split the dataset into train and test sets.

This is a sample of what the images look like:

Keras Model Summary #

The built keras model has the following layers and parameters:

Model Accuracy and Loss Scores #

The model was trained for only 2 epochs, which took about 1min to complete, below are the scores:

  Keras Image Classification Accuracies
Epoch 1: Accuracy = 81.83%, Loss = 58.62%
Epoch 2: Accuracy = 94.24%, Loss = 19.77%

The model ended with an accuracy score of ~94%, which is excellent considering it only ran for 2 epochs. This is a very popular dataset to use for image classification and its usually used as a tutorial for people just starting out with machine learning and neural networks. I hope this was helpful to you.